Season 12 Announcement: Midgardians of the Valley



Start Date: February 27th, 11:30 UTC.

Season 11 will end on February 26th at 11:30 UTC. All players who played 5 or more matches will get seasonal rewards based on their division and position as the season ended.

After season 11 ends, there will be a small break, then 23 hours of un-ranked mode, before another small break and finally season 12 starting.

Season 12 will start February 27th at 11:30 UTC. The All-father is Thor-oughly impressed with your performance. Best your opponents in the new upcoming season, Midgardians of the Valley!

There are some changes in the random disc rewards.

These are the random disc rewards for Season 12:
(Disc type designation is how the disc is classified in the game for attribute distribution and may not match real discs perfectly)


Putters: Rainmaker, Link, P2, Tactic

Midranges: MD1, MD3, MD5

Fairway Drivers: FD, FD3, Tilt, PD, TD, CD1 (new), Splice (new)

Distance Drivers: DD1, Cloudbreaker 2022, DD3, DD (new)


Putters: Berg, RekoX

Midranges: Svea, Stig

Fairway Drivers: Falk, Stål, Lots, Idog (new), Järn (new)

Distance Drivers: Rask, Guld, Krut

Dynamic Discs:

Putters: Guard, Judge, EmacJudge, Agent

Midranges: Evidence, Bounty, Emac Truth (new)

Fairway Drivers: Maverick, Escape, Felon, Vandal

Distance Drivers: Raider, Trespass, Captain, Defender

Westside Discs: 

Putters: Harp, Shield, Maiden

Midranges: Tursas, Gatekeeper (new), Warship (new)

Fairway Drivers: Underworld, Sampo, Longbowman, Bear

Distance Drivers: Destiny, Adder, Sword, Queen, King, Prince

Latitude 64: 

Putters: Pure, Hope, Spike

Midranges: Fuse, Core

Fairway Drivers: Brave, Explorer, Sapphire, Grace, Flow, River (new), XXX (new), Pioneer (new)

Distance Drivers: Recoil, Ballista Pro, Strive, Rive, Bolt

Free Pass Fairway Rewards:

Added Brave and FD to the reward pool

See you in the Valley!

Best wishes, the Spinoff Games Team.

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